I can hardly believe it's summer again. It seems like it never comes fast enough and then when it's upon me, I can't believe it's here. The world smells like freshly cut wood and newly stained decks. The wind is heavy with heat and the sun feels like a lover's touch against my skin, leaving its mark on my bare shoulders in the form of freckles. I have a brand new wide brimmed, floppy straw hat. I have a brand new pair of sunglasses that make me feel like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. "Don't you just love Tiffany's?" It rings in my head as I sit under the umbrella in the back garden next to the daisies that I helped plant last summer.
The soundtracks of previous summers float through my stereo. Angels and Airwaves, Jack's Mannequin, Dashboard Confessional, Mae, Something Corporate, Yellowcard, No Doubt. Thousands of hot summer days filled with make believe loves and pretend broken hearts. A thousand wishes to be the girl that the summer soundtrack was written about. How many summers did I spend riding my bike up and down the street and jumping into the swimming pool in awkward bikinis? Millions.
I think I've lived my life for summers. For the airports and plane rides, the books and the authors, the heat and the water, the promises that summer friendships would last forever and the wishes that summer would never end.
The fridge smells like strawberries, my favourite flowers are in bloom in all of their bright white and yellow happiness, the jars of sun tea reflect and twinkle in the daylight and the green bottles of sparkling water replenish my joy. How is it that all these feelings, dreams, and memories can fit so well in a bottle of sparkle water? I miss ice cold glasses of Tiger beer at 10 am, but the memory is still there everytime a lager lands in my hand. The strawberries, even when they're cold they taste hot with a hint of dirt, like when I would pull them secretly off the bushes in the yard, tart and sweet.
Summer...I love you. Please, let this be the year that you never leave me