This place seems to have run away from me. I once had a very clear vision of what The Rice Bowl should be; a place for me to write what I write. The problem quickly became that I was not comfortable sharing what I write. My writing often feels entirely personal, yet at other times completely foreign. In both cases, I seem to come face to face with the perpetual fear of sharing it.
It's time to grow up now.
As someone who wants to become a writer (published or not), I need to come to blows with the fact that my writing is there to be read. A fact that I realised with sudden clarity when I was sitting in my Creative Non Fiction class and I suddenly found my pen-name staring back at me on the roster. The possessed ink in my pen some how made its way out in the form of a name, foreign to my own, yet familiar to my head.
It's time for me to take my rightful place as writer.
So this is what it will be. It will be me writing the things that write in a moment on the bus, in the cafeteria, in the middle of class, in the middle of my room, on the park bench in the middle of the city. This is me, rough and raw. Ready to meet the uncensored me?
I'm nervous.