"Some things I'll never understand."
Why is the world the way it is? How can there be intense suffering and still someone there to speak complete heartbreaking nonsense? I know, questions of a rhetorical nature are rather tiresome. I despise unintentional meanness more than anything, I think. People who say they'll call or say they want to catch up and never do. People who you have to make the constant effort to keep familiar.
I think maybe I'm more disappointed than angry. I'm disappointed in people.
Of course they do great things, but right now, I'm disappointed and hurt by them. I wonder what happens when...I don't know any more. So many questions and answers that I probably don't want to hear. I sound like Debbie Downer. I don't mean to. I know that people are capable of doing things that make me cry with joy. Just, lately, it hasn't been happening.
I'm disappointed...that's all.
I shouldn't be. There are much bigger problems than my personal disappointment and hurt, but this has been clouding me. I am unclear. I long of a clarity, I know I'll never find.
I guess that's pretty disappointing.
Says the person who ignored my text :p
Posted by: Kirsten | 26 January 2010 at 09:03 PM
Wait...which text? Apparently I haven't been getting text messages from people since I got my new phone. I basically hate verizon.
Posted by: FlyRice | 27 January 2010 at 11:24 PM
Hallo Babara, der Regen hat deinen Garten gegniert, es sieht bei dir irgenwie heller, leuchtender aus. einfach sauber* g*!Schf6n deine Rosen, Ach so ein Rosenpavillonwaere auch noch ein Traum, sieht immer wieder schoen aus.Wuensche dir einen schoenen Sonntag und eine sonnige Woche, lG Waltraud
Posted by: Luqman | 25 July 2012 at 02:12 PM