I went to the library today. My favourite place in the world. Well, almost. Seriously, my library is cool. If they'd let me, I'd camp there forever. There's even a coffee shop at the library. What isn't to love about it? I went with the intent of picking up some books I placed on hold over the week. I have some weird quirks. One of them is that I'm a foreign historical and political junkie. Historical politics are even better. I can't stand my own country's politics and never could. I'm infuriated by all sides. So, I look to other countries and times to keep me occupied. I'm also a Russian liturature junkie. Of course, I have a freakish fascination with Soviet happenings. Did I mention I also have a weird communist paranoia thing happening? I blame my early life in China on that one.
I digress; I picked up a bunch of books about the Gulag. A long time reader of many writings by Jewish political prisoners of the Soviet Union, my interest was sparked once again. It's way easier to find things in the States than it is in China as a student starving for banned literature. I can get whatever book I wish here and it's fantastic...until I go to check out and my librarian happens to be Russian and starts giving me funny looks.
While I was at the library, I figured, why not look through some of the cookbooks to try to learn more about my new diet. There isn't much. Shelves and shelves of books dedicated to Gluten-Free diets and Veganism and Whatever-New-Crash-Diet. There were 15 books on Diabetes. More than the book stores I've been to, but still depressing. I flicked through most and was unimpressed, but found a lovely book full of pictures and....FOOD! Real looking food! Plus, the majority of the book was focused on food and not dessert, which I could care less about.
Rewind to last night... Mum was making Jam. She also started complaining about the two giant zucchinis from the garden, which were taking up counter space. We're the only two in the house that really like zucchini, so most options for their use aren't really in the cards. Zucchini bread...that's about it. Fast forward to the library... That lovely cookbook? Totally has a zucchini bread recipe. Score one for the team! With a few tweaks, I made it friendly to my diet and tastes and boy is it good.
Little more savoury than your average zucchini breads but slather on some in season jam (blackberry is my recommendation) and you have yourself a delectable heavenly slice. Again...phone picture, sorry!
3 eggs
4 Tbsp sugar or 2 Tbsp Truvia
1/2 Cup canola oil
1/2 Cup milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 Cup Zucchini, grated
2 inch piece fresh ginger root, grated
3 Cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
pinch Kosher salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 Tbsp cinnamon sugar (optional)
Preheat oven to 325F. Whisk eggs and sugar until creamy. Slowly beat in the oil until a thin batter like consistency develops. Whisk in milk, vanilla, zucchini, and ginger. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add cinnamon to the dry ingredients and combine with the zucchini mixture. Lightly grease a loaf pan and pour in mixture. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar over the top, if using. Bake for one hour, until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave cake to cool for 20 mins before turning out onto a wire rack.
12 servings. 220 Calories per serving.