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15 August 2011



i'm actually really interested to hear what you guys come up with to eat. i could totally stand to eat better and i know you people will eat delicious nummers. i sure hope this will kick you back from having to do medication.


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The issue you have prepared on this healthy review is very nice. Taking this you have done a great topic to publish here, Thanking you,


Hi, Well, you would usually have to ecerpienxe way more symptoms than thirst. I have type 1 diabetes, so I know. .Here, I'll give you a list: frequent urination, unusual thirst, extreme hunger, unusual weight lossextreme fatigue and irritability, nausea/vomitingFrequent infections, blurred vision, cuts/bruises that are slow to heal, tingling/numbness in the hands/feet, recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections.So if you have any of these, you should definitely be worried. Visit your primary care doctor for a physical and blood test. Make sure to let him/her know about any of these symptoms. Wish you luck!


Thanks for providing such valuable information, really appreciate!


Playing music and making the veiwer read is stupid. Why aren't you appearing and talking etc? Fortunately most diabetics know not to waste their money on so-called natural cures because there are none. That term alone makes me think of Kevin Trudeau and most people know that he's a snake oil salesman/huckster/con man!


It will not affect the HbA1c tisteng at all. It does affect some of the other things they want to know like cholesterol levels, thyroid levels, and a few other things. But not the glucose levels.They will undoubtedly do a complete annual physical including blood panel tistengs for all the common things.But why would they fire you for getting something that you have no control at all over? That doesn't make sense! Even truck drivers can keep on truckin as long as they maintain tight control, and that has to be tighter than anyone else. Would they fire you for getting cancer? Diabetes is the same thing.

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  • The journey of becoming a writer, finding my place in this world, and a new found diabetic with a bone to pick with the world about the lack of delicious food available to me.

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