Once again, I feel neglectful of my writing, though this time, it wasn't by choice. It simply just happened. The fates were against me and the planets were not aligned in my favour, it seems. My plans for spring break dissolved before my eyes due to doctors appointments and a mystery diagnosis.
It seems that I am not allowed to have an enjoyable spring break, because something always seems to jump in the way or some sort of event prevents me from doing the things that I want. I have a track record with this, unfortunately. Spring break, you are cursed, and I've never been able to enjoy you.
Weeks ago, I noticed something was not right with my belly button. When a part of your body that has no actual function starts acting funny, it causes a strange amount of alarm to arise. I figured I would fix the problem in no time by keeping an eye on it and being careful. In a week, I ended up doubled over in pain and unable to walk or even breathe without being in pain. I sought medical attention, which I tend to avoid.
I dislike doctors, mostly because growing up overseas didn't inspire much faith in the medical community. For the most part, I was diagnosed by my mother and placed on antibiotics by her. The handful of times that I've needed to see a doctor for something 'serious' the issue was skirted around for months or even years before anyone would take my issues seriously.
My issue was not taken seriously for several weeks. I was placed on different antibiotics while my symptoms merely escalated before my eyes. I Googled and WebMDed my symptoms and even presented my findings to the doctors. They were less than impressed by this telling me that self diagnosis never works. Instead, I sat around, taking antibiotics waiting for the moment when things would get bad enough for someone to do something.
It happened. My normal belly button began to protude from my tummy along with the counless other symptoms that I had. I was told that I had a cyst and given more antibiotics which didn't work. I came back and was told I had a hernia and given a referal to a surgeon. I met with my surgeon and found that my issue was more serious than a mere office job and needed to be put under for a day surgery.
Buh-bye Spring Break.
Last week I went in for surgery and found out that I really did have a cyst, after all! I cannot complain about my surgery at all though. The doctors and nurses were all amazing and very attentive which helped me out incredibly. When your parents are thousands of miles away and your friends are scattered throughout the world, it can be scary. I'm so very thankful that I do have family around here though. The staff was amazing with me and laughed at me as I raved about Twitter and Linux in my drug induced state.
Last weekend was spent in bed, sleeping and recovereing (knitting). Being whacked out on Vicodin and having no motivation to move and aggravate my wound was a good inticement for me to stay put. However, I (once again) found out that I don't deal well with pain releivers much stronger than Tylenol. I was struck with dizziness, headaches, nausea, and severe mood swings. I was every where from laughing hysterically one second to curling up in a ball crying that I missed my family, friends, room mates, and surfing. It didn't take me long to realize that I was no good on the drugs and stopped taking them.
It's disturbing waiting for your body to do normal things though. It's frightening waiting for the moment when you have to go to the bathroom again, just to make sure that everything is working fine. And it's worse when you can't and you're curled up bawling because all you want to do is make your body work again. It's like being broken, only you can't find the glue to put the pieces back together.
I am happy to report that I am fully functional once again and I am back at school and busy as ever, which excites me to the extremes. It's good to be back in action and busy with things again. It distracts me from my mind and gets me away from the phone that never seems to ring when I really need it to.
It's good to feel alive again.